Research Areas

1. Corporate Finance & Signal Processing

  1. Corporate Finance & Signal Processing

How does public information affect financial markets? What role do credit rating agencies play? How can we quantify the information of textual information using natural language processing?

2. Computer Science, Statistics & Machine Learning

  1. Computer Science, Statistics & Machine Learning

How can we better evaluate ML algorithms? How can we achieve self- and semi-supervised learning?

3. Fairness & Road Traffic Control

  1. Fairness & Road Traffic Control

What is fairness? Are fairness and efficiency conflicting goals? How can we allocate spatio-temporal resources in equitable societies?

Featured Publications

Needs-Based Signalized Intersection Management: Priority Pass

Needs-Based Signalized Intersection Management: Priority Pass

Road transportation systems are usually designed for optimizing transportation efficiency. A pure focus on efficiency overlooks, that …

Priority Pass: Fair and Efficient Signalized Intersection Control

Priority Pass: Fair and Efficient Signalized Intersection Control

Road transportation systems are usually designed for optimizing transportation efficiency. A pure focus on efficiency overlooks, that …

Fair Money--Public Good Value Pricing With Karma Economies

Fair Money–Public Good Value Pricing With Karma Economies

City road infrastructure is a public good, and over-consumption by self-interested, rational individuals leads to traffic jams. …

Towards fair roads--Why we should & how to improve the fairness in traffic engineering

Towards fair roads–Why we should & how to improve the fairness in traffic engineering

Traffic engineering aims to control infrastructure and population behavior to achieve optimal usage of road networks. Fairness is …

Resource Allocation with Karma Mechanisms

Resource Allocation with Karma Mechanisms

Monetary markets serve as established resource allocation mechanisms, typically achieving efficient solutions with limited information. …

On the scientometric value of full-text, beyond abstracts and titles: evidence from the business and economic literature

On the scientometric value of full-text, beyond abstracts and titles: evidence from the business and economic literature

Are abstracts or titles a good proxy for what an article contains? The majority of scientometric studies have used easily accessible …

Priority pass: Signal control with focus on needs

Priority pass: Signal control with focus on needs

Signalized intersection management is typically designed with a focus on transportation efficiency metrics such as throughput, queue …

Corporate Bond Market Event Studies: Event-Induced Variance and Liquidity

Corporate Bond Market Event Studies: Event-Induced Variance and Liquidity

This paper addresses the power of event studies in corporate bond markets. While an approach using standardized abnormal returns is …

Acquired Downgrades?

Acquired Downgrades?

We analyze corporate acquisition announcements and the feedback of credit rating agencies by placing the acquirer’s issuer rating …

Hierarchical confusion matrix for classification performance evaluation

Hierarchical confusion matrix for classification performance evaluation

This study proposes the novel concept of hierarchical confusion matrix, opening the door for popular confusion-matrix-based (flat) …

Acquired Downgrades?

Acquired Downgrades?

We analyze corporate acquisition announcements and the feedback of credit rating agencies by placing the acquirer’s issuer rating …

TransposonUltimate: software for transposon classification, annotation and detection

TransposonUltimate: software for transposon classification, annotation and detection

Most genomes harbor a large number of transposons, and they play an important role in evolution and gene regulation. They are also of …

Capturing GreenTech-related Commercial Activities of Listed Companies

Capturing GreenTech-related Commercial Activities of Listed Companies

The purpose of this work is to investigate whether news flows can be used to effectively capture financial success of green commercial …

Political and Socioeconomic Factors That Determine the Financial Outcome of Successful Green Innovation

Political and Socioeconomic Factors That Determine the Financial Outcome of Successful Green Innovation

Green innovation and technology diffusion must be financially and commercially attractive to convince corporate decision makers. This …

PE-MIU: A Training-Free Privacy-Enhancing Face Recognition Approach Based on Minimum Information Units

PE-MIU: A Training-Free Privacy-Enhancing Face Recognition Approach Based on Minimum Information Units

Research on soft-biometrics showed that privacy-sensitive information can be deduced from biometric data. Utilizing biometric templates …